I'm an Undergraduate Electronics and Communication Engineer at Guru Nanak Institutions Of Technology Which Is Affiliated to Kurukshetra University with extensive Hands-on Experience acquired in software development with advanced knowledge of modern development tools. Seeking an Opportunity for Job or as an Intern with a view to achieving a permanent place in the future and contribute to the advancement of the Company.
Mukesh Dubey
Yamuna Nagar, Haryana, India
Making a web Application that can play songs! We'll implement various functionalities that you find in modern music apps and listen to a lot of songs!. It is a Voice Controlled Music Application.(Wit.Ai is used. AJAX is used to connect the Application From Back-End)
Wit.ai, JavaScriptThe project involves making a Responsive website using Bootstrap and Media-Queries. The website also includes the use of Jquery for Event-Handlers and other animations.
HTML5,CSS3,BootstrapMaking a terminal chat app using python that allows you to send and secret messages hidden safely inside an image. The chat app will not be using a database or any other form of persistent data storage and will rely on the computer's non-persistent memory (RAM)
Python, SteganographyManaging The Public sentiments for user's social media account using machine learning, building this project based on instagram data of a user.That Basically senses the Positive and Negative Comments on a user's post And Delete them.
Python, NaiveBayes AnalyserI'm Experienced Full Stack Web Developer Having Skills in Git, Html 5 ,CSS 3 ,Bootstrap ,Javascript jQuery, Ajax, JSON,Python 2.7x, , Django FrameworK & GitHuB.I can design attractive Frontend And integrating it with Backend to make website more interactive.
HTML5,CSS3,BootstrapThe Github Profile Analyser tells the User about the no. of people visiting on his repos which helps him/her in recognizing the popularity of his repos.The profile analyser also tells how many forks and clones have been made since the user has made the repo. This helps the user in understanding the need of the project among the developers.
Python, FlaskIt is a Documentation For those who are Totally New To Django And Did not know How to Setup and Install Django on Windows. The Preliminary Requirements and Steps For Installation are Discussed in the Installation Guide.
GitHuB MarkdownPlease feel free to leave a Message at the given Contact Details. I'd love to hear it from you!
Mukesh Dubey
#47, Luxmi Garden,Naer Shiv Shankar School
Yamuna Nagar,
Haryana, India